Brand & Web Design

At MGC, we believe that daydreams can come true, no matter how ambitious and fantastical. Our creativity knows no bounds, just like you. Our design team can help you step into the next version of your business with custom Showit websites, elegant brands, and our VIP package that includes a photoshoot. 


Home of "Brand in a box"

You're in the right place.

You can guess which version we're fans of. With combined decades of experience in photography, branding, video, and design, we know exactly how to SEE the soul of a brand and bring it to visual life. Our VIP Brand in a Box package gets you launched asap with stunning visuals. 

Ready to level up your visual game and define the next version of you?

Does your website feel like a brochure... or a panoramic, immersive journey into your brand's story and personality? Does your brand reflect you?

Custom Web Design Examples

See the suite

Neda's suite of sites include Neda Hovaizi, Lumiere Dental Spa, and Lumi Aesthetics

Neda Hovaizi Suite

Website Custom Suite

See the site

Lilly Stairs, Chronic Boss Collective, and Patient Authentic round out the trilogy of Lilly's sites. 

Lily Stairs

Vibrant Personal Brand:

See Full Site

Amanda Vargus, creator of the Boston Runway Ball, came to us for her flagship web presence. 

Wave & Woven

Custom Website Example

“I'm so obsessed.
So glad I found you.”

— kristina

VIP Brand in a Box (Limited)

Grab a consult

Ready to launch your brand? This is your all-in-one stop that will give you a logo, a photoshoot, AND a custom website to launch the right way, all under $5k. We accelerate our VIP brand clients to get them online within 60 days. 

This is perfect for clients who want to start selling online courses, want to create a standalone offering, or for those ready to launch their brand and start selling asap. 

Intro Price: $3795 (save 1K!)
Inquire for Upgrades (may increase delivery time): 8-Page full website, 2-hour photoshoot, Brand Strategy Session

  • Logo Design
  • Brand Guide
  • Foundational 1-hour Photoshoot
  • 2-Page Sales Website


You're ready to launch and you don't want to wait! Launch your brand in under 60 days for under $5k. 

.05 seconds

It takes .05 seconds to form an opinion about your website & brand


Brand recognition increases up to 80% with signature colors

$4 Billion

Coca Cola spends an average of 4 BILLION on branding each year. 


79% of consumers say that content influences their purchasing decisions

You want a website that signals leadership, depth of knowledge and an investment in image and direction. 


book a consult

We get your story straight, tighten up your messaging, and plan the heck out of your custom Showit site for a one-of-a-kind web presence. 

Website Range: $1500-$8000 (depending on number of pages and scope of services)

  • Copywriting
  • Strategy and Organization
  • Customized Layout
  • Intro SEO and Training

Custom Showit Websites

contact Mariah

We'll help to make your daydreams come true, big and small. 

Dream it.
Define it. 
Do it. 

lets do this.